Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Proxy vs. It's Alive...

Proxy isn't an infant mutant monster movie, but its still a strange story.
These bizarre & grotesques movies continue to be made, because there seems to be such a hearty audience for them.

"It unapologetically aims for the audience’s throat and doesn’t waste any time in doing so."
"Parker unflinchingly rifles through one shocking twist after another, daring its audience to walk out of the theater in disgust. If one unexpected plot point doesn’t revolt you enough, there is another one waiting in the wing, more than eager to try." 

It's Alive is a typical monster B movie, but with an infant mutant on the loose.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/It's_Alive_(1974_film) , https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aD9wL0ffxqY

Another mutant monster movie involving animals & people.

The movie Prometheus provides ET & human versions of monsters, mutants, births & deaths.
The terrestrial movie Prophecy was released in the shadow of the first Alien movie.

"But what I really love is the design of the bear monster. It is a big, scary, mutant bear for Cthulu’s sake, how can you not love that? It’s the movie we all wanted Yogi Bear to be, and by “we all” I mean “me.” The monster vaguely resembles Man-Bear-Pig from South Park but with the added perk of also seeming strangely cyborg in nature."

No one would ever want to become a food-nest for any of these monsters.
Thats why some of these monster horror movies become so popular through the years.

The ET monster continues to be a common aspect of so many Sci-Fi stories.